William Gregory Emerson
William Gregory Emerson
William grew up in middle America, living a middle-of-the-road life until trauma struck his adolescence, sending him into a world of maladaptive daydreams.
Introduced to writing in high school, William found a creative voice. He wrote countless essays, short stories, and plays but never revealed his internal struggle. As a senior, he dabbled with writing The Writer—then a short story about a man with severe writer's block. For decades, he wrote intermittently on what would become the "Prologue" to his debut novel, but always hit the same obstacle—what is the idea behind The Writer.
Struck by debilitating checking behaviors and immobilizing mood cycles, William became consumed by chaos. He lost everything but his wits before turning back to writing in his late-50s. Semi-retired, William sat down with his iPhone, and in a stream of consciousness, outlined The Writer—a novel that led him on a journey out of repression and into self-discovery.
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